22 november - 2 december 2011
Audio Interviews
un proiect de: SATELLITE (Delia Bulgaru, Alex Tărnăuceanu, Andrei Timofte and Cristina Totolici)
parte din Expozitia ca și (micro)oraș
curator: Cătălin Gheorghe
foyer-ul Teatrului pentru Copii și Tineret ”Luceafărul”, Iași
22 november – 2 december 2011
Proiectul „Flatten Area” propune investigarea mixării cronotipurilor din spațiile muzeelor orașului Iași, dar și o interpretare de tip topografic a traseului dintre edificiile acestora, în funcție de accesarea lor de către public.
Termenul de „Flatten Area” derivă din comanda „flatten image” specifică programului de editare grafică (Adobe Photoshop) și presupune aplatizarea, combinarea straturilor dintr-o imagine într-un singur strat de fundal.
Titlul se referă la asocierea fiecărui muzeu cu câte un layer/strat, alcătuit din sublayere/substraturi care reprezintă spațiile din interiorul muzeelor rezervate obiectelor.
a project by: SATELLITE (Delia Bulgaru, Alex Tărnăuceanu, Andrei Timofte and Cristina Totolici)
part of The Exhibition as a (micro)city
curator: Cătălin Gheorghe
foyer of The ”Luceafărul” Theatre for Children and Youth, Iași
22 november – 2 december 2011
object installation, performance, drawing, painting, metal, wood, adhesive paper, plexiglass, variable dimensions
The project ”Flatten Area” proposes the investigation of the way chronotypes have been mixed in the space of museums in Iași, as well as a topographic type of interpretation of the routes between their buildings, depending on how the public accesses them.
The term ”Flatten Area” derives from the command ”flatten image”, specific to image processing software (Adobe Photoshop), and involves the flattening, the combination of all layers in an image in a background layer.
The title is a reference to each museum’s association with a layer consisting of sublayers which represent the spaces reserved for objects inside the museums.
For the project ”Expoziția ca (micro)oraș”(”The exhibition as (micro)city”) two topographic maps of the museum’s locations have been drawn, with the areas outside the buildings being assigned colour values, illustrating how often these museums were visited by the Iași audience. This separation by colours, similar to an army map, renders the levels of risks associated with their lack of visitors.
The research consists of interviews with museum staff, who informally count the number of visitors over a given period. Also, the public has been asked questions related to their own frequency of museum visits.
The two resulting maps, one showing the audience’s verdict and one showing the count made by the museum staff, are superimposed like layers, creating an ambivalent image. One of the works aims to contextualise a number of private spontaneous experiences, ”recounted” by the audience via interviews held in front of several museum buildings.
The purpose is to document the everyday in contrast with the selection of objects in museums, reinterpreting the structure of their accumulation in a specific space.